12-Week Self-Led

Astrology Certification Course

level One - Professional Natal Chart Reading

(beginner friendly)

*Instant access upon purchase

This is for you if…

1. You are an (aspiring) coach, healer or therapist and would like to become a certified astrologer so you can add this tool to your practice and enrich your coaching and breakthroughs with your clients!

2. You have a keen interest in psychology and understanding the psyche AND you want to monetise your gifts whilst supporting humanity moving closer to their soul's purpose!

"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.”


This wasn’t only astrology, it was also very therapeutic. You are a very good teacher with a lot of patience, you always listen and you don’t judge. This is something I really admire and I really appreciated our time together. Thank you for making me feel seen, heard and for being there for me. – Alicia (The UK)


Become a Certified Astrologer

Do you desire to become a certified astrologer yourself and use this tool to work with clients and monetise your gifts?

Come study with me and you’ll learn how to speak the language of the soul, the poetry of the heart and the psychology of the mind.

I love teaching astrology as a living, breathing language, not as sets of lifeless data. I teach in a way that is clear, step-by-step, and manageable, so you'll never drown in a sea of information.

These 12 Weeks will not only enrich your life, but you'll also gain understanding on how to give accurate and meaningful readings to your clients with confidence and ease.

“This course has been AMAZING! My biggest revelation is that this class has blown my mind with how accurate astrology really is and how deep it goes. I’ve been so intrigued and into astrology, but I’ve always felt overwhelmed at the thought of all the info and how complicated the chart looks!

The class is perfectly paced for beginners, and your teaching style is engaging and efficient. The classes are so interesting and I’m always excited for what’s next every week. I’m definitely glad I invested in this course and I will be investing in the next level if it’s offered! I’m super excited to incorporate these insights into my shadow work practice as a coach!

Honestly, the classes have been perfect and have exceeded my expectations (which are usually really high!)"


Astrology is a divine remembering of who you truly are, without all the layers of conditioning.

Astrology is a wonderful tool and it has really helped me to understand myself & why I am facing the challenges I face & how to turn it into lessons. This is where my journey of self-discovery started to unfold…

When Astrology entered my field, I found the love of my life.

I knew in that moment that I would work with this sacred tool for the rest of my life.

Astrology is the love language of the universe.

Each chart brought to life uniquely, based on the level of consciousness of that individual, at that moment in time.

There are so many layers to discover about yourself… It’s truly never ending.

Therefore, the journey back to your authentic self, is your journey back to your natural self.

A divine remembering of who you truly are, without all the layers of conditioning.

Learning to trust our divine truth once again.



to become a certified astrologer

12 weeks of video material

+ the free bonuses included!

You'll receive instant access upon purchase.



You'll receive access to lectures on Lilith

by Virginia Rosenberg, Saturn by British

Vogue Astrologer Alice Bell and a workshop

on Chiron by me.

& Even More Bonuses!

You'll receive access to the behind-the-scenes on how to build a professional astrology (online) practice and turn your passion into a highly profitable bizz! What you'll learn:

  • Astrology ethics

  • Counselling skills

  • How to deliver challenging information

  • Developing a business mindset

  • Guidelines for charging for readings

  • How to market your bizz and get in front of your ideal client

What this course covers.

01 Debunking Myths in Astrology

02 The Archetypes

03 The Houses

04 Personal, Social & Outer Planets

05 Elements, Modes, Polarities

06 Planetary Rulerships

07 Planetary Aspects

08 Retrogrades

09 The Lunar Cycle

10 Integration and Implementation

11 Discovering Your Soul's Purpose

12 Starting Your Astrology Business


This course doesn't only teach you astrology... It also guides you to how you can build up a highly profitable business from scratch.

  • More than 20+ hours of video material

  • The classes build on each other to take you from beginner to intermediate-level and then to giving meaningful & accurate astrology readings.

  • You'll receive instant access to the course material, so follow your own pace to learn and digest the different frameworks + you will have your questions answered by me in real-time over Whatsapp (private mentoring).

  • Homework at the end of each session to expand and test your knowledge + to help you begin to think critically about astrology in action! Thinking critically is a key component to providing accurate chart interpretations.

    Make the assignments after each class and send it to Cato to receive private mentoring.

  • 24/7 astrology community to support your learning process

  • Facebook group — An easy-to-use community that offers a safe and judgment-free space for you to ask questions, connect with other students, practice your skills, and get the feedback you need to build confidence in your astrology skills!

  • BONUS SPECIAL: Mini soul's purpose reading based on your natal chart!

  • Certificate: Many of our students quickly move on to giving readings professionally after graduating from this course. Our Certificate provides an excellent way to prove your skills to potential clients. You'll be able to receive a certificate of completion after completing a written exam + filling out the feedback forms. This is optional and provided at cost (€88).

Your astrological birth chart is a virtual blueprint of your soul. Your soul is an evolving consciousness that reincarnates from life to life, forever seeking expansion and illumination.

It will reflect your potential blockages that need to be cleared to open up the channels of opportunity. Your birth chart is the blueprint of your journey to innate wisdom, to help you remember your authenticity. When we are truly authentic, abundance starts to flow in all areas of our lives.

Benefits of embodying your unique blueprint:

𓄂𓆃 awakens us to our true, divine self

𓄂𓆃 magnetises right people and opportunities

𓄂𓆃 points us in direction for our purpose to unfold

𓄂𓆃 shows us a path to our highest potential

𓄂𓆃 become aware of our shadows and transform our conditioning


“I’m so happy I invested in myself and prioritising my wants, needs and goals! It’s been extremely exciting for me… I’ve fallen even deeper in love with Astrology, and I also feel a lot more self-empowered. I really enjoy the breakout rooms as it is also good to be put on the spot and get the brain buzzing to try analyse a chart. Working with examples and even you analysing a chart live has helped me make sense of it and interpret the meaning."

—Neline (South Africa)

“This course has been amazing!! Every class has felt like receiving insights about how and why I am the way that I am, and although there is so much to learn, the different layers in Astrology and how it influences everything has been mind blowing and transformative. I felt that the container was held with authenticity and integrity and there have been lots of space to make mistakes and be corrected in a way that feels supported."

—Belinda (South Africa)

“It has been a very expansive course and definitely worth the investment!! I’ve loved being able to tie everything together and depict friends charts. They’ve been so accurate!! This course is a one way ticket to live a life in alignment and flow."

—Jennifer (Ireland)

“You do an amazing job bringing this complex material to life with your bubbly personality and helpful slides as visual aids!

I am beyond proud of myself for investing in this course! It has been the stepping stone that I needed to get me to the next level of studying astrology. It’s been incredible being opened to a new world of astrology each class and has sparked my hunger to dive even deeper. I would definitely recommend the course!"

—Beth (California)

“This course is golden, it's the easiest way to get clarity around your birth chart and how to read it. It covers a lot of information and it's sure not to leave you short of mind-blowing insights about yourself and your patterns. I would recommend this course every day of the week!"

—Natty (Finland)

“I think you have been awesome! I have really loved learning in a layered approach, seeing how everything is so interlinked and multifaceted. The replays and slide access has been super helpful too. I have loved learning the most about the houses and how they can relate so much deeper to each archetype and planet."

—Charlotte (England)

Meet Your Teacher


Cato is a Leo Sun, Pisces Rising & Capricorn Moon + she's a mani gen in Human Design. She combines spirituality, creativity and business in her work, and with Mercury conjunct her North Node, she holds a Masters degree in Communication Sciences. She has big Virgo energy so she loves to teach in a grounded, structured and practical way.

She works as a professional astrologer, business coach, podcaster and retreat host who helps coaches grow their business by aligning their strategy with their astrological blueprint.

She helps others getting back into alignment with their most authentic selves, and therefore helps them unlock their highest timeline of success through empowerment whilst cultivating financial freedom, true liberation and unapologetic authenticity.


I'm a coach, will I be able to use this tool for my clients afterwards?

Absolutely! I’ll take your hand and walk you through everything you need to know to start reading natal charts for your clients. So after these 12 weeks, you can even start making money with Astrology!

I already know a lot about astrology, is this for me?

This course is meant for beginners, but it’s great for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge. I’ve taken the beginner course 3 times myself as this allowed me to really sink deep in the theory and have a strong foundation. Repetition is important when it comes to learning astrology as it’s such a multi-layered modality and it takes time to fully comprehend the language of the cosmos.

Can I get a refund?

Due to the content of this course and how it’s structured, it does not allow a refund. Please purchase this certification program with intention and devotion, knowing that this is what your heart really wants.

My life is already so busy… How much time should we dedicate to this course?

You'll receive instant access to the course's material o you can do it on your own pace. In the videos (+- 2h length) I will teach the material, share my embodied experience from working with worldwide clients for many years.

There are homework practices you get to do to deepen your knowledge and understanding and you’ll get an accountability buddy as well to keep you in check.

Other than that, there is a Facebook group where you get to share your questions, insights and experiences with others.

I would say invest around 3 - 4 hours in total per week, but you are welcome to move at your own pace to finish as slowly or as quickly as your schedule allows. Do what you can, the results really depend on how you show up and if you are open to learning through the additional resources too.

My question to you is: how much are you willing to consistently put towards this course if you were to join?

Will I be awarded a certificate?

Yes, you can. After completing this course and submitting your homework and exam to earn credits, you’ll be granted a certificate which allows you to move into level 2. The Certificate is optional and is provided at cost (€88)

In order to qualify for the certificate, you must provide the following:

  • All coursework must be completed in full, including lectures & homework assignments

  • Students must complete a minimum of 3 practice astrology readings and submit feedback forms from each of their practice clients.

  • Students must complete a final exam to demonstrate retention and understanding of the course material.

Which House System do you use?

In this course I teach Modern Astrology, and using Tropical Zodiac + Equal House System.

The Cosmic Babes Astrology Academy

Level One Certification Program

You'll receive



FOR ONLY €597.

Ready to become a certified cosmic babe? Let's go.
