The Conscious CEO

Business Course

self-led course for new coaches to learn how to successfully launch an online business and get their first 5 clients through strategy, feminine leadership principles & astrological insights.


The 1:1 Bonus Expires in:


Become a Conscious CEO

Do you feel ready to finally say YES to the business of your dreams, where you get to share your medicine with the world whilst cultivating financial & time freedom?

If this is your main 2024 goal and you desire to do it from a place of soul alignment... You came to the right place.

This self-led (online) course helps you to unlock the power of Astrology and to embrace feminine leadership in a beautiful community of like-minded babes.

It's time to put on your CEO hat and start taking yourself seriously. The world needs your medicine and it's time for you to shine!

I invite you to fully show up this year in order to reach your business goals by implementing my proven 5-step framework that will show you exactly how to build your business with ease and confidence, understanding how soulful marketing & sales work so you can establish yourself as the authority in your field over time whilst securing in your first 5 clients as you're doing this course... And this, all without burning yourself out or experiencing the overwhelm.

This business course is here to support you to feel more empowered in your soul's purpose, confidently sharing your medicine with the world and moving through life with a sense of ease, grace and effortlessness.

Once you sign up, you receive instant access to our online course portal where you can study the trainings and video material in your own time and at your own pace. You’ll become part of our private community, where you can connect with other female leaders + stay accountable to the conscious CEO you were always destined to become.

Hi there! I’m Cato Vermeulen

I'm a Leo sun, Capricorn moon and Pisces rising. I'm a mommahbear of my baby boy Ragnar and reside in Cape Town (South Africa) with my soulmate Joe.

Professionally, I'm a Belgian astrologer and business mentor, host of The Cosmic Babes Podcast and founder of the Cosmic Babes Astrology School whilst running business masterminds for female coaches around the globe, to support them in becoming fully booked and scaling to 6+ figures.

By fusing astrology with money mindset, business strategy & energetics, I help my clients rise and create prosperity based on their unique astrological blueprint.

I have been able to cultivate financial, time and place freedom for myself through the lens of feminine leadership and astrology - and that's why I'm so passionate about empowering women doing the exact same!

I hold a masters degree in communication sciences (University Ghent), and have studied various modalities over the past years within the realms of coaching, astrology, business & sales psychology, non-violent communication and yoga.

I'm a certified coach, an international teacher and key note speaker on topics such as astrology & business and have traveled to over 30 countries to bring women together - leading retreats in Mallorca, Italy, Cape Town, Costa Rica and Belgium.

My work has been featured in Forbes, Flodesk, Nina Magazine, & Goss Magazine and I'm currently writing my book to be released in 2025.

Do you recognise yourself in this?

Unfulfilled & not knowing

where to start

"I am currently feeling lost, overwhelmed and clueless around how to start out with my online coaching business. I'm not feeling fulfilled in my current career and I’m looking to transition and create a soul-led, purpose-driven, wildly successful business that lights up my soul every day."

Fulfilled but not thriving

"I have already taken the step of creating my own soul-led, purpose-driven business but I feel like something is just not working or clicking the way I desire it to... I haven't created financial freedom for myself yet."

This is for you if...

  • You are a (new) coach or service-based provider wanting to turn your life's work into a profitable (online) career

  • You want to learn the inside-outs of soulful marketing, sales and business through the lens of feminine leadership

  • You have been feeling stuck and desire support with how to move through hitting a glass ceiling that you’re so ready to break through

  • You are feeling lost or overwhelmed with where to start and what your next steps are to go from ‘surviving’ in your business to THRIVING?

  • You want to do business in a way that does NOT compromise your values and your FREEDOM to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want

Know that you are not alone...

You came to the right place.

Love letters from soulmate clients

I sold my highest ticket offering ($8k), changed my niche to something I feel more aligned with, leveled up my Instagram content strategy, hosted workshops and gained new clients! I’m also about to launch my podcast show which I feel confident about doing solo now!

Besides that, I received breakthroughs around perfectionism and inner safety, scarcity and fear around pricing and selling, confidence in planning out launches and committing to them, feeling less alone as an entrepreneur and building huge self-trust!

During our time working together, I three doubled my investment of the program with your strategies! Lastly, it was amazing to share the container with the other women because it inspired me to keep moving forward even when things felt unclear or dull.

This program called me higher as a woman, coach and entrepreneur because it illuminated all the ways I played small out of fear of being judged or “too big.” With Cato’s mentorship, I now feel confident to lead myself, my clients and my business.

I can’t even describe what that feels like… Ease, flow and true trust that I couldn’t have gotten here without being seen and taught incredible skills by someone who’s leading the way forward.

— Amy, Biz & Empowerment Coach (Arizona, US)

I learnt so much about strategy and processes, but most importantly a deeper integration of my astrology and my business, and the awareness around my blocks holding me back in my vision for my business.

Cato's guidance, support and coaching has been invaluable in me taking big steps forward… I wasn’t really sure what to expect but knew I needed to learn from success. Cato embodies that!

I have been able to build a foundation and see how my astrology could be used to surrender to my soul’s calling and better understand the timing of everything.

I am more committed and organised than ever, which feels so fulfilling!

I overcame my fears around being seen and my perfectionism tendencies. I learned to let life and business be fun and that I’m open to receive! This all has been incredibly healing for me. Being around other successful women who run conscious businesses has felt very inspiring too.

— Andrea, Mind & Body Coach

(South Africa)

The program was an incredible and enriching experience with like-minded souls that enabled me to take my business more seriously and receive the necessary support to take it to the next level, while also uncovering my limiting beliefs, fears and unmet needs.

Exploring astrology has really broadened my horizons and made me feel stronger by learning about my own birth chart... Giving me deep realisations about my soul’s purpose and gifts and that permission slip to be my authentic self!

Plus, this mastermind has taught me that having a solid structure in business matters, but it's also shown me how to lead with my feminine side.

Having such a heart-centred mentor has been the biggest blessing!

Alongside the astrology piece, I’ve loved the deep work around inner child wounds and the clarity around what biz strategies I want to implement.

I felt super supported by you. I felt seen and heard and love that you create a safe space for me to unpack my stuff without judgement. Always appreciate you bringing a lighter, broader perspective to my thoughts and emotions.

— Sarvenaz, KAP & RTT Practitioner

(The UK)

INSIDE the conscious ceo

Biz x Astro self-paced course to help you grow your soul-led empire!


Hot Seat Coaching with Cato



More than 55 hours of content...



Surprise calls!



Keeping you accountable every week!



More information soon...



Astrological Readings







Soul's Purpose Reading

As a sexy bonus, you'll receive an in-depth astrological reading from me (written report) around your soul's purpose and how you can use this to unlock more prosperity and wealth in your career - based on your unique astrological blueprint.

Know that these type of readings are practical, tangible and lots of fun! You'll feel inspired and will gain SO much clarity and AHA-moments, ready to implement it into your business strategy!

(valued at €349,-)




Love & Results From

Previous Students

From the very beginning of my business, Cato has been by my side as my mentor and business coach, and I can say with certainty that my (immediate) success is due in large part to her.

Cato's approach is so much more than just business advice; it is an in-depth, holistic journey that helped me build a solid foundation for my business. Her guidance gave me the confidence to think big and pursue my dreams. And it worked!

Her dedication and expertise exceeded my expectations time and time again. Cato’s support felt like a warm embrace, making me feel safe enough to show my vulnerability and grow. Her impact on my life and business is immeasurable, and I will always be grateful to her for her unconditional support and guidance.

— Amber, Relationship Coach & Psychologist (Belgium)

This program has been incredible! The tools you have been able to share with us over the past few months have been so valuable, and then above and beyond that you keep giving freebies and extras that felt like the gifts that keep on giving. Realising that when you apply the knowledge given, it will result in sales. Besides this, I felt like I personally levelled up from an emotional AND business perspective.

I loved your kindness, understanding, patience, non-judgmental loving guidance is unparalleled and was the best part of it. I always felt so safe, held and cared for on a personal and professional level.

I have more confidence and the way I feel about myself and interact with people comes from a more grounded place. It’s increased my value of life a lot and the success of my business has given me inner peace. During our time together, I created 2 offers, sold out those offers, started running women’s circles, online workshop and photographed retreats!

— Amoré, Female Empowerment Coach & Photographer (South Africa)

My heart is bursting!!!

This program has changed my life, it has given me the deep confidence & self-belief to go out into the world, show up for my biz daily, just spread my magic & medicine!!!

Thank you for being a living permission slip & embodiment of a woman who has it all & hasn’t sacrificed her truth or needs, for any of it. 🔥

Thank you for believing in us, honestly having your support & belief was just so nurturing and healing - I felt so seen and held by you the entire 3 months…

Just phenomenal to witness your coaching & the way you hold the container. 😍 I’m so inspired by you, this program, the content, the magic… all of it!!! I’m so grateful wow wow wow.

— Josie, Womb Healing (South Africa)

The Results...

What will you get out of this business course exactly?

Well, let’s unpack.👇🏼

  • Receive the roadmap that got me to scaling my business, traveling the world, create financial freedom and live your freaking best life.

  • Clarify and crystalise your why, your personal brand and your vision as an online coach.

  • Understand your astrological blueprint to implement the insights into your business.

  • Create a juicy & delicious offering that gets you your first 5 clients and eventually sells out!

  • Implement soulful marketing strategies and create your long-term game plan to plan for a 5-figure launch as you're becoming a sexy and confident sales master.

  • Learn how to create MAGNETIC, juicy and orgasmic Instagram content so you are attracting your dream clients and repelling your nightmare clients.

  • Dial in your messaging + content strategy.

  • Master lead generation and never worry about money again as you grow your soul-led empire.

  • Grow your Instagram community with 500-1000 followers a month and show up confidently

  • Learn how to systemise and delegate your business so you can work less and make more.

  • BONUS: Replays to learn from guest coaches, industry leaders and experts in my network... From biz energetics, to podcast trainings to how to use astro for branding... I gotchu covered with the juiciest topics!

  • BONUS: Feel surrounded and amplified by powerful CEO babes who get it and are on the same path as you! Community is EVERYTHING.

... Babe, I invite you into the new paradigm of doing business, coming from a place of soul alignment, purpose & flow... And I cannot wait to show you how + help you thrive in your feminine leadership as your launch your soul-led empire.

Here’s what you can expect…


ONLINE COURSE PORTAL: On demand trainings

Instant access to the course portal, an extensive library of trainings, modules, resources, and tools to support you with various aspects of building your business (from feminine leadership, to marketing, sales, astrology etc).


Guest Coaches & Industry Leaders

I continuously love bringing in new guest coaches inside the community, so you can learn from multiple voices and get to be coached live by them!


BONUS: Receive 1:1 support from Cato

You'll receive a Feminine Leadership x Astro Coaching Session of 60min with yours truly (valued at €550).


24/7 Private Community Support

A beautiful community of CEO babes who are here together on the same path as you + you are able to ask any Q's to receive support, connection, accountability, and motivation as you move through the course at your own pace.


Assignments, Action Plan, Documents, Worksheets & Resources

Access to carefully curated checklists, worksheets, and templates that support you in streamlining your workflow and decision-making.

Purchase today to receive the juicy behind-the-scenes of my business frameworks, so you can learn how to run a wildly profitable online business as a coach yourself.


Payment Plan

  • 3 x €444,- (€1333)

  • No 1:1 Coaching Bonus

  • Surprise bonus EXPERT guests teaching on design, astrology & business

  • More than 50 hours of trainings, content and video material!

  • Workbooks for each module to help you work through the material

  • PDFs, templates and worksheets to help implement the strategies

  • Accountability buddy + a private community where you can network with each other

  • 12-month access to all recordings and course materials!

Pay In Full

  • €997,- (save €336)


    Commit to pay in full before April 10th and receive an additional 1:1 Astro x Business Strategy coaching call with Cato (valued at €550,-)

  • Surprise bonus EXPERT guests teaching on design, astrology & business

  • More than 50 hours of trainings, content and video material!

  • Workbooks for each module to help you work through the material

  • PDFs, templates and worksheets to help implement the strategies

  • A private community where you can network with each other

  • 12-month access to all recordings and course materials!

The 1:1 Bonus

Expires in:

I rate working together 10/10, as this mastermind has given me accountability, structure to launch and also the confidence to believe I actually have a business rather than a side hobby! I loved that you are always so present and willing to share your expertise during and after our sessions together. I also felt really inspired by the other amazing women in our mastermind group, it felt like we were holding each other and letting ourselves shine!

Now having completed the mastermind: I notice how I believe more in myself and my business, I feel more aligned with myself, and I gained more financial focus and accountability.

During our time together, I started to work 1:1 and have my first paid clients, I created an Instagram page, started showing up consistently and I organized my FIRST in-person yoga and astrology workshop with 15 people. I also gained a better structure to see through my creative dreams, and I have been invited to speak on a podcast!!

I like how I am able to put myself out there without holding judgement or attachment to it anymore, as this feels like a big mindset shift for me!!


— Charlotte (The UK)

I realise how powerful and amazing it has been with you and how much you have helped me during out time together. You gave me the motivation to not give up… It felt so good to be held by you and absorb the love, the knowledge, your experience and your own process and learning so much from you!

What I got out of this mentorship is learning how to sell and promote, I received a lot of new resources, clear launch strategies and scripts. I used all of this and it worked! I loved the exploration of all the tools, I created my website, I got my first paid clients, I hosted in person workshops, and even set up a challenge!

The mindset work and EFT tapping has been so powerful, as it helped me to move forward throughout this whole process. I just feel different now than when we started and I trust myself more with the tools I learned, especially aligning my business to astrology and therefore feel more connected to myself and my own rhythm.


— Valeria (Colombia)

I do feel like everything was planned out very strategically. It’s was fun, interactive, I appreciated all the homework we got given. It helps so much to take what we learn and actually implement it each week in some way or form. The accountability really encouraged me to stay proactive on my business and motivated, plus the compassion from Cato made it feel very achievable and personal to each of different businesses.

I’m so proud that I actually did my sales page and it’s encouraged me to finish my website. Plus figure out what is my main program. I have a clear understanding now of WHAT my offering is and how I can help others. But also where I have been holding myself back and where my gifts and passions lie in my coaching and with others. Super empowering! Plus, getting access to the cosmic babes astrology academy as a bonus was incredible wow - what a BONUS!!


— Morgan (South Africa)

Working with Cato has been an absolute joy and pleasure. From the moment I met her, her nourishing and warm energy, her fierceness and passion, for what she does, and her open arms approach made me feel so safe and seen. Cato offered incredible guidance and feedback throughout the Mastermind, giving me well thought out advice and strategy. I took away so much from each call, and every week I felt more inspiration and clarity within my business. Cato gave me guidance and resources that I could actually implement into my business. Using her astrology expertise, this was unlike any coaching or guidance I have ever received and it was a game changer. Her insight helped me understand myself not just as a business owner, but as a human.


— Emma (USA)

I felt like you really held me accountable and wanted us to perform our best. You always checked in to make sure we were progressing and you understood in moments when you needed to listen and take a break or pause, while still being supportive. I also loved your energy and how you really wanted the best for us all.

This mastermind definitely got me started and I gained a lot of clarity from the experience. Before, it was an idea and I wasn't fully certain where to start. And after, it became something more tangible. The mastermind allowed me to show up almost every day and that really helped to manifest exactly what I want this business to be and how I am to show up within it. I’m feeling confident I'm on the right path!

Cato - your beautiful energy and commitment to guiding us no matter how uncomfortable we felt... You always put us at ease. I loved this mastermind because it's packed with lots of information and resources too! You are very knowledgeable and have so much to share.


— Tamara (USA)

I really appreciate the lived wisdom, the accountability and the step-by-step, very clear guidance that your offer Cato. I felt so supported and encouraged to create and implement a business strategy that brought me actual results whilst still embodying my feminine essence.

This mastermind offers the perfect balance of intuitive and astrological guidance + tangible and strategic tools to build and expand your vision. Sharing this journey with other like-minded women feels so empowering and inspiring.

I created new offerings, have more clients now, and a brand new Instagram strategy! I feel much more safe to be seen, and I’m fully stepping into my feminine leadership. Thank you for giving me clarity on my offerings and ideal client! I am so grateful!

Oh and thank you so much for sharing your "visualise your greatest launch" meditation wit us. It was exactly what I needed.


— Jana (Germany)

I absolutely loved working together (as always). I took away so much from the launch strategy and community building, and I appreciate your presence and support SO much. You made me feel like we were in it together! I have found the courage to step more into feminine leadership and I loved your support, empathy, listening, hard questions, guidance & energetic cheerleading.

I grew my audience on Instagram with 2000 followers, I gained clarity around the importance of messaging and I have got a very clear launch strategy now!


— Kristine (Denmark)

— Charlotte (The UK)

"I rate working together 10/10, as this mastermind has given me accountability, structure to launch and also the confidence to believe I actually have a business rather than a side hobby! I loved that you are always so present and willing to share your expertise during and after our sessions together. I also felt really inspired by the other amazing women in our mastermind group, it felt like we were holding each other and letting ourselves shine!

Now having completed the mastermind: I notice how I believe more in myself and my business, I feel more aligned with myself, and I gained more financial focus and accountability.

During our time together, I started to work 1:1 and have my first paid clients, I created an Instagram page, started showing up consistently and I organized my FIRST in-person yoga and astrology workshop with 15 people. I also gained a better structure to see through my creative dreams, and I have been invited to speak on a podcast!!

I like how I am able to put myself out there without holding judgement or attachment to it anymore, as this feels like a big mindset shift for me!!"

— Valeria (Colombia)

"I realize how powerful and amazing it has been with you and how much you have helped me during out time together. You gave me the motivation to not give up… It felt so good to be held by you and absorb the love, the knowledge, your experience and your own process and learning so much from you!

What I got out of this mentorship is learning how to sell and promote, I received a lot of new resources, clear launch strategies and scripts. I used all of this and it worked! I loved the exploration of all the tools, I created my website, I got my first paid clients, I hosted in person workshops, and even set up a challenge!

The mindset work and EFT tapping has been so powerful, as it helped me to move forward throughout this whole process. I just feel different now than when we started and I trust myself more with the tools I learned, especially aligning my business to astrology and therefore feel more connected to myself and my own rhythm."

— Morgan (South Africa)

"I do feel like everything was planned out very strategically. It’s was fun, interactive, I appreciated all the homework we got given. It helps so much to take what we learn and actually implement it each week in some way or form. The accountability really encouraged me to stay proactive on my business and motivated, plus the compassion from Cato made it feel very achievable and personal to each of different businesses.

I’m so proud that I actually did my sales page and it’s encouraged me to finish my website. Plus figure out what is my main program. I have a clear understanding now of WHAT my offering is and how I can help others. But also where I have been holding myself back and where my gifts and passions lie in my coaching and with others. Super empowering! Plus, getting access to the cosmic babes astrology academy as a bonus was incredible wow - what a BONUS!!"

— Charlotte (The UK)

"I felt like you really held me accountable and wanted us to perform our best. You always checked in to make sure we were progressing and you understood in moments when you needed to listen and take a break or pause, while still being supportive. I also loved your energy and how you really wanted the best for us all.

This mastermind definitely got me started and I gained a lot of clarity from the experience. Before, it was an idea and I wasn't fully certain where to start. And after, it became something more tangible. The mastermind allowed me to show up almost every day and that really helped to manifest exactly what I want this business to be and how I am to show up within it. I’m feeling confident I'm on the right path!

Cato - your beautiful energy and commitment to guiding us no matter how uncomfortable we felt... You always put us at ease. I loved this mastermind because it's packed with lots of information and resources too! You are very knowledgeable and have so much to share."

— Emma (USA)

"Working with Cato has been an absolute joy and pleasure. From the moment I met her, her nourishing and warm energy, her fierceness and passion, for what she does, and her open arms approach made me feel so safe and seen. Cato offered incredible guidance and feedback throughout the Mastermind, giving me well thought out advice and strategy. I took away so much from each call, and every week I felt more inspiration and clarity within my business. Cato gave me guidance and resources that I could actually implement into my business. Using her astrology expertise, this was unlike any coaching or guidance I have ever received and it was a game changer. Her insight helped me understand myself not just as a business owner, but as a human."

— Jana (Germany)

"I really appreciate the lived wisdom, the accountability and the step-by-step, very clear guidance that your offer Cato. I felt so supported and encouraged to create and implement a business strategy that brought me actual results whilst still embodying my feminine essence.

This mastermind offers the perfect balance of intuitive and astrological guidance + tangible and strategic tools to build and expand your vision. Sharing this journey with other like-minded women feels so empowering and inspiring.

I created new offerings, have more clients now, and a brand new Instagram strategy! I feel much more safe to be seen, and I’m fully stepping into my feminine leadership. Thank you for giving me clarity on my offerings and ideal client! I am so grateful!

Oh and thank you so much for sharing your "visualise your greatest launch" meditation wit us. It was exactly what I needed."

— Kristine (Denmark)

"I absolutely loved working together (as always). I took away so much from the launch strategy and community building, and I appreciate your presence and support SO much. You made me feel like we were in it together! I have found the courage to step more into feminine leadership and I loved your support, empathy, listening, hard questions, guidance & energetic cheerleading.

I grew my audience on Instagram with 2000 followers, I gained clarity around the importance of messaging and I have got a very clear launch strategy now! "


Who is this program for?

This program is well suited for online coaches who are just starting out or experience stagnation in their business right now. If you are new to the industry and wanting to build your business from scratch in a sustainable way, I highly recommend that you have finished your certifications first before purchasing this course so you can make the most out of the strategies being taught on the course portal.

Depending on your experience, expertise and how long you've been a coach, you'll see results fairly quickly and can make your investment easily back within the first 2 weeks of signing up to this course. The Return On Investment is HUGE!

How long do I have access to the program?

You'll receive immediate access upon purchase and you will have access for an entire 12-month period, which gives you more than enough time to watch the videos, make the assignments and implement the strategies and given roadmaps in order to 1) book your first 5 clients and 2) scale to €10k months and beyond.

How is this business coaching program different?

This program is completely unique as it is my signature process that I have been practising for several years with my clients (and tested on myself!).

You won't find my success formula anywhere else (definitely not at THIS price point!), where I combine strategy, with mindset work & deep inner healing PLUS astrological insights to change your perspective forever!

I don't subscribe to the old paradigm of business where you have to work yourself to the bone in order to be successful. We focus instead on alignment, intention, purpose and flow (feminine leadership principles!).

That's why I created a framework which will help you to go from stuck to feeling empowered and confident in less than 12 weeks (if you stay committed to the weekly assignments)! I learned over time what works and what doesn't when building a heart-centerd business, so you don't have to do the hard work yourself. This program will take your knowledge, expertise and energy to the next level.

What is your refund policy?

We offer a conditional money-back guarantee. I'm so confident in the quality of this business course that if after applying all the insights and tools, and you are still not seeing any results or getting your first 5 clients in... you'll get your investment back. I know for a fact that your life and business will be forever transformed through the skills you develop through this program. I also know this won't happen if you don't give it your very best effort. That’s why in order to be eligible for the investment back satisfaction guarantee, we want to be sure that you did the course work and completed the assignments.

If you do the full coursework within the program and do not make twice what you paid for the program within 3 months, simply submit your work, your sales calls, and assignments and I’ll refund you back your money or I work with you until you do reach those goals. Therefore, joining this business course is risk-free and is here to help you skyrocket your business!

I'm wanting to go for VIP support and receive 1:1 coaching from Cato!

Absolutely! The VIP experience is for the babe who desires more of an intimate 1:1 experience where you'll have my eyes on your business 24/7 for a period of 3 to 6 months. Please note: this is a 5-figure investment and is for the woman who is ready to GO ALL IN and see results FAST.

We focus on personalised strategies based on your astrological make-up (and numerology), doing the deep inner healing work, integrating any subconscious blockages which are standing in the way of going to the next level, money mindset work + SO much more!

For more information: please get in touch with our team:

When will the next LIVE cohort take place?

At this moment in time, the next live cohort will most likely take place in September 2024.

Please keep in mind that it will be 5x the price of this business course in order to receive group's hot seat coaching from Cato.

So if you're serious about your growth and you want to make bold moves NOW, let's not wait with building the freedom-based business of your dreams. The time is now as the world is ready for your gifts and medicine to be shared with us all!

What is the sexy bonus you are offering?

Every babe who signs up before April 15th will receive an additional Feminine Leadership x Astrology Biz Coaching session with Cato, which is valued at €550,-.

Once you have signed up, you will receive immediate access to the course portal so you can start TODAY + you will receive access to a booking link to schedule in your coaching call where you get the opportunity to receive personalised business strategies, experience mindset work and learn how to implement astrological insights connected to your natal chart and transits for this year.

As an EXTRA juicy bonus, you will receive an in-depth written soul's purpose reading too, which you can keep for a lifetime.

Sounds fun right?!

More Client Love...