Business Mentor





My name is Cato

I'm a Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon & Pisces Rising.

I'm a mani-gen 4/6 and a Life Path 3.

My Astrological Blueprint

With having a lot of Virgo energy, my gift is to improve, refine and make things better. With my moon in Capricorn on my Midheaven in the 10th house, I have a huge love for building businesses. My intention with the work I do is to bring clarity around your purpose through the lens of astrology, to honour your gifts, whilst having my eyes on your business to improve and tweak your offerings so you can THRIVE. I believe more money should be in the hands of conscious people, because good people do good things and I want to be part of this new world that we are building.

My Astrological Blueprint

With having a lot of Virgo energy, my gift is to improve, refine and make things better. With my moon in Capricorn on my Midheaven in the 10th house, I have a huge love for building businesses. My intention with the work I do is to bring clarity around your purpose through the lens of astrology, to honour your gifts, whilst having my eyes on your business to improve and tweak your offerings so you can THRIVE. I believe more money should be in the hands of conscious people, because good people do good things and I want to be part of this new world that we are building.

Cato's journey of becoming...

In the world of business, where hustle and relentless pursuit of goals have been glorified, Cato Vermeulen brings a fresh and innovative perspective that empowers female spiritual entrepreneurs to thrive on their own terms. As a business mentor, astrologer, and host of The Cosmic Babes Podcast, Cato Vermeulen is redefining success by combining strategy with energetics and embracing the power of feminine leadership.

Cato's journey into entrepreneurship was marked by a deep exploration of her own astrological blueprint. Raised by a mother well-versed in astrology, she was guided to recognize her unique talents and gifts from a young age. This self-awareness unlocked a profound sense of confidence, strength, and purpose, setting her on a path of authenticity and fulfillment.

In her approach to business, Cato challenges the conventional notions of success that often lead to burnout and depletion. Instead, she harmonizes the masculine and feminine pillars, believing that operating from feminine magnetism doesn't imply weakness but rather a sustainable and intentional way of achieving goals. For her, business is not a sprint but a marathon, and she is here to support her clients for the long run.

Astrology plays a pivotal role in Cato's work, serving as a guiding compass for herself and her clients. By tapping into her clients' astrological blueprints, she helps them gain clarity on their essence, purpose, and the best ways to activate their potential. Armed with this knowledge, Cato's clients discover their niche, align their business strategy, and create offerings that resonate with their ideal audience.


While astrology is the foundation of her approach, Cato doesn't rely on fortune-telling or exact predictions. Instead, she emphasizes understanding energies and tendencies, harnessing the power of divine timing to make strategic business decisions.

By embracing growth edges indicated by certain placements in the chart, her clients can achieve quantum leaps in their businesses.

Cato Vermeulen's unique blend of astrology, money mindset, business strategy, and energetics has yielded remarkable results for herself and her clients. Her transformative work has gained recognition, leading her to become an international teacher and keynote speaker on astrology and business topics.

Her influence and expertise have been featured in reputable publications like Forbes, Flodesk, Nina Magazine,, and Goss Magazine.

Looking ahead, Cato envisions The Cosmic Babes Community to evolve into a global movement, where individuals from all walks of life understand and embrace astrology's symbolic language. She aspires to be the bridge between the tangible world of business and the intangible world of astrology through her Cosmic Babes Astrology School. Her mission is to empower others to establish businesses that align with their unique design, bringing meaning, fulfillment, and abundance to themselves and their communities.



Learn Astrology With Me

Astro Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet will give you an overview of the foundation of astrology: archetypes, planets, houses & so much more.

Chiron: The Wounded Healer

Chiron talks about your biggest wounding and pain. This astrological cookbook will show you how to locate Chiron in your natal chart, what it means for you on a personal level + how to turn your wounding into your gift.